How to Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling?

How to Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling?

Our wisdom teeth are positioned in the back of the mouth and are the third molars. They first appear when we are mature, ages between 17 and 21. The wisdom teeth help chew and do not cause any problems if they emerge correctly, but if they don’t come out in the correct position, they can cause swelling and pain.

Let’s look at how to reduce wisdom teeth swelling and how to treat swollen gums near wisdom tooth.

Why do Wisdom Teeth Swell?

You may feel discomfort and swelling in the gums if the wisdom teeth begin to break through your gums. Once the wisdom teeth come through the gums, then there can be complications where you may have more swelling. If the teeth emerge partially, you can have bacteria in the gums and jaws.

If the wisdom teeth are not positioned correctly, they can allow food to be stuck, promoting the growth of bacteria that can cause a cavity. Other than that, wisdom teeth swelling can allow the formation of a cyst that can damage your teeth and even the bone holding your teeth.

If you have swollen gums, it can be caused by gingivitis and vitamin deficiency. Usually, swelling is not isolated only to the wisdom teeth. It is not uncommon to experience swelling and pain when the wisdom tooth comes in. The dentist can recommend wisdom tooth removal.

Best Ways to Relieve Wisdom Teeth Swelling and Pain

If you have wisdom swelling worsened by the stuck food, the most crucial step is to rinse your mouth thoroughly. Your dentist might recommend an antiseptic oral rinse or salt water. The swelling gets reduced when the food gets washed away.

  • One of the best ways is to suck on the ice chips by keeping them on or near the swollen area.
  • You can also apply ice packs or cold complex to the swollen area. You can also put it on your face next to the swelling.
  • If the home remedies don’t work for you, you can use over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs to get instant relief, but it is better to get the dentist’s opinion.
  • The most crucial point is avoiding anything that can irritate your gums, including tobacco and alcohol.

Treating Swollen Gums Near Wisdom Tooth

You must be thinking about how to treat swollen gums near wisdom tooth because the symptoms may depend on the severity of the infection. These include mild discomfort, dull pain, swollen gum in the infected area and a bad taste in the mouth.

If you have a minor case of swollen gums, then some remedies can be helpful to alleviate the symptoms. You can rinse with warm salt water and carefully clean the affected area to remove food debris and plaque. However, if you don’t see any improvement, you need to visit the dentist, who prescribes antibiotics and may even recommend removing the tooth.

Wisdom Teeth Treatment in Springfield, Central QLD

If you are experiencing any discomfort or pain with the wisdom teeth or are wondering how to treat swollen gums near the wisdom tooth, then Robelle Dental Center in Springfield, Central QLD, is here to help. We are a team of friendly dentists in Springfield with years of experience with wisdom teeth, and we offer you complete information on whether removal is necessary.

Book an appointment with Robelle Dental Center or make a call today!