To clean dentures with baking soda, create a paste with baking soda and water, scrub the dentures with a soft brush, rinse thoroughly, and repeat as needed. Avoid using baking soda on metal parts.
There was a time when people had no acceptable solution to losing teeth at some stage of life. Advanced dental technology has given people several choices, offering them an incredible look that is easy to wear. Dentures are the top choice for those who lose grown-up teeth and have become an affordable way when some or all of their teeth are missing. It is essential to keep the dentures clean so that it doesn’t attract dental plaque and any harmful bacteria.
In this article, we will carry you through the reasons to clean dentures, the impact plaque can have on dentures, and how to clean dentures with baking soda.
Why Do We Need to Clean the Dentures?
Whether you have partial or complete dentures, they need proper care so that you can keep them clean, free of any stains, and look their best. When you have dental plaque build-up, there are chances that it can cause discomfort and gum inflammation. This way, you can have an infection in the mouth when you wear the dentures. The top reasons why you need to clean the dentures are:
- Increase in Bacteria: Pores in dentures are responsible for an increased gum disease risk. When people grow old, the bacteria in the mouth also rise because there is a decrease in the ability to produce anti-bacterial saliva. One can relate this to the medications and the dentures themselves.
- Your Gums Can Rest: The bone supports the teeth, as gums can’t hold up the teeth’s force. So, keeping the dentures, the gums can get sore, and therefore, the best way is to give them rest.
- Keep the Breath Fresh: The overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth is one of the primary reasons for bad breath. When we daily clean the dentures, the food we enjoy eating can’t leave a smell residue.
How Can Plaque Impact Dentures?
If you have dentures, following a solid oral routine is essential because if you don’t, you can increase the risk of accumulating dental plaque. It is worth mentioning that dental plaque can cause the following issues if you wear dentures.
- Staining and discolouration of the dentures
- Infection on your tongue, gums, and mouth’s surface
- Gum irritation and inflammation
- Tooth decay
- The dentures get damaged because of the bacteria building up inside your mouth.
How to Remove Denture Stains with Baking Soda?
Although there are several solutions for cleaning dentures, baking soda is one of the most loved home-based solutions. It is excellent for brightening regular teeth and dentures and is readily available in neighbouring markets. It is ideal for eliminating any odours from dentures. The process is straightforward for those wondering how to clean dentures with baking soda.
- You can start by taking two tablespoons of baking soda in a glass and mixing it with a few drops of water to dissolve the powder.
- Now you can put the dentures in the solution and soak the denture in it by adding sufficient hydrogen peroxide.
- Letting the denture rest in this solution overnight would be best. The next day you can clean the denture with tap water.
The great thing about baking soda is that it is a household product that is secure, accessible, and kills bacteria. Besides this, it is among the elements of chewing gum and toothpaste that people use and has no side effects.
Get Your Dentures Checked in Springfield Central QLD
The best way to get your dentures checked is to go to the dentist. Robelle Dental Centre helps ensure your oral space is clean, white, and healthy. We also emphasize the importance of keeping in touch with us if you want to clean the dentures.
Contact our best dentist in Springfield for more information on how to clean dentures with baking soda.