How Much Does A Dental Bridge Cost?

How Much Does A Bridge Cost At The Dentist?

Dental bridges are a standard procedure to replace missing teeth. They can be made from different materials, but porcelain fused with metal is the most common. Bridges usually last 10-15 years, but their life span may be affected by how often you eat and drink acidic foods and beverages. 

The price of a dental bridge will vary depending on the type of bridge, the materials used, and the fees the dentist will charge. The cost of a dental bridge is typically covered, in whole or in part, by the majority of dental insurance plans.

A bridge is an artificial tooth replacement that bridges the gap between two adjacent teeth. Bridges can be made from gold, porcelain fused to metal or all-porcelain. They are used when a missing tooth has left a large gap. The cost of a bridge depends on several factors, including the type of bridge chosen and the dentist’s service fees. 

Factors Influencing Dental Bridge Cost 

The type of bridge chosen can have an impact on the overall cost. Traditional bridges, also known as fixed partial dentures, are the most common type of bridge and involve a false tooth placed between two crowns attached to adjacent teeth. Implant-supported bridges are attached to metal posts or frames mounted into the jawbone. These require additional surgery and may be costlier than traditional bridges.  

The bridge’s location and the dentist’s service fees can also influence costs. The type of materials used in constructing a bridge, such as gold or porcelain, may add to the overall cost. Insurance coverage is another factor determining how much a person pays for a dental bridge treatment. 

Types of Dental Bridges

1) Traditional Bridges

Traditional dental bridges, also known as fixed partial dentures, involve a false tooth between two crowns attached to adjacent teeth. The abutment teeth need to be shaped for the crowns, and a dental impression must be taken to construct the new bridge. Traditional bridges generally require two visits and can last five to seven years with proper care. 

2) Implant-Supported Bridges 

Implant-supported dental bridges involve attaching a false tooth to metal posts or frames surgically mounted into the jawbone. This type of bridge requires additional surgery and takes longer to complete than traditional bridges – typically involving more visits spread out over several months. However, implant-supported bridges offer increased stability and may last up to 10 years. 

3) Maryland Bonded Bridges 

A type of bridge called a Maryland bonded bridge, which may also be referred to as a resin-bonded bridge, is characterised by metal wings on either side of the false tooth. These wings are adhesively bonded to the back of the abutment teeth, providing additional support for the bridge. Maryland bonded bridges are usually more affordable than traditional and implant-supported bridges but may require more frequent replacements due to their lower durability. 

Tooth Bridge Average Cost 

The average cost of a traditional bridge starts at $3,000 for one false tooth. Implant-supported bridges typically cost $3,000 per false tooth and may be subject to additional fees for implant surgery. Maryland bonded bridges start at $2,000.

Dental Bridges at Robelle Dental 

While that may seem like a lot of money, it’s important to remember that bridges are necessary for oral health and can last many years with proper care. If you need a new bridge or have any questions about the cost of bridges, be sure to talk to your best dentists in Springfield, Lakes QLD, Australia. They will be happy to assist you in obtaining the information you require and making decisions regarding your oral health based on accurate information.

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